Uniform Procedures
Swansea High School community has decided that we will be a uniform school. The school community supports the school’s uniform policy. If families need financial assistance with uniform, arrangements are made to provide uniform for students. We do not allow students to go cold in winter and will always supply uniform for students when required.
Jeans, tights, Logo’s on jumpers, hoodie’s and other items of clothes are not considered school uniform and are not to be worn.
Footwear: Students are expected to wear black shoes to school i.e. no white logos / branding or white soles. In accordance with the Workplace, Health and Safety legislation, shoes must have leather uppers and must cover the top of the foot. Students who wear inappropriate footwear (e.g. thongs, sandals, ugg boots, backless shoes, ballet slip ons) will not be permitted to enter the playground during the breaks and some classrooms (e.g. Science, TAS and Art) due to workplace health and safety rules. Teachers will provide alternative work in subjects for which leather shoes (including leather uppers) is mandatory.
Purchasing Uniforms: Uniforms are available for purchase from LOWES at Belmont, instore & online.
Uniform Assistance: Parents who have difficulty in obtaining full school uniform for their child may receive assistance with some items if the student/parent/guardian contacts the Administration Office at school. All contact is strictly confidential.
Hats: Students are encouraged to wear hats as protection from the sun. Unlike Primary schools, this is not enforced throughout the school day. Hats must be removed in all indoor settings including classrooms.
Swansea High School Uniform

Junior Girls (Years 7-10):
· Plain black skirt/skort or school black shorts with green piping or plain black pants/trackpants
- White polo shirt with 2 emerald green side panels and SHS logo
· Black shoes with plain black or white socks
· Black jacket or sloppy joe with school logo
Junior Boys (Years 7-10)
· School black shorts with green piping or plain black pants/trackpants
· White polo shirt with 2 emerald green side panels and SHS logo
· Black shoes with plain black or white socks
· Black jacket or sloppy joe with school logo
Senior Girls (Years 11-12)
· Plain bottle green skirt or long black pants or school black shorts with green piping
· White blouse with Swansea HS emblem and green piping
· Black shoes with plain black or white socks
· Black jumper or cardigan or school jacket
Senior Boys (Years 11-12)
· School black shorts
· Black trousers (plain in colour i.e. no stripes or patterns)
· White school shirt with school emblem
· Black shoes with plain black or white socks
· Plain black jumper or school jacket with school logo
N.B. No jeans. No logos. No hooded sloppy joes.
Sport Uniform - Girls and Boys
· Emerald polo shirt with white side panels and SHS logo
- Joggers