Swansea High School

Respect, Responsibility and Ready to Learn

Telephone02 4971 1944


Technological and applied studies

Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.

In TAS, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.

The continuum of technology learning is:

  • mandated from Kindergarten to Year 8 through Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 syllabuses
  • based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding to design and produce solutions
  • optional for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.

Available courses include:

  • Technology Mandatory Years 7-8
  • Agricultural Technology Years 7-10
  • Design and Technology Years 7-10
  • Food Technology Years 7-10
  • Graphics Technology Years 7-10
  • Industrial Technology Years 7-10
  • Information and Software Technology Years 7-10
  • Textiles Technology Years 7-10
  • Agriculture Stage 6
  • Design and Technology Stage 6
  • Engineering Studies Stage 6
  • Food Technology Stage 6
  • Industrial Technology Stage 6
  • Information Processes and Technology Stage 6
  • Software Design and Development Stage 6
  • Textiles and Design Stage 6.

Technology Applied Studies (TAS) faculty consists of a team of professional and dedicated staff who bring a wealth of experience to the teaching and learning of students at Swansea High School. 


The TAS Faculty offers students a wide and varied curriculum. Learning is enhanced through the use of technology, techniques, tools and skills with various materials such as textiles, food, electronics, wood and metal. Students participate in a range of activities with hands on experience.


Our courses incur fees to purchase materials and ingredients.

Students who undertake our courses must wear closed in leather shoes, to comply with Work Health and Safety policy.