Swansea High School

Respect, Responsibility and Ready to Learn

Telephone02 4971 1944


Differentiated Curriculum

To assist in ensuring students are provided with the best opportunity for growth at Swansea High, we have developed structures to further support a differentiated approach to learning. High Potential and Gifted Education classes (called Learning Extension at Swansea or Lex@s in Years 7 and 8, and 9S or 10S) in all junior years as well as Support classes have been established to support improved learning outcomes.

These classes provide an environment where students are with a cohort that is working at a similar level. The High Potential and Gifted Education classes have a variety of different strategies to extend the students and encourage more self-direction, choice and the opportunity to extend themselves academically. They have also allowed students who have strong self-discipline and self-direction an opportunity to have the best possible learning environment for them to achieve. 

The support classes have provided an environment where students who have struggled with their learning are given an opportunity to have more targeted remedial support that will reduce the frustration and improve their success in learning. The work produced by these classes provide evidence of the success of the structure. The teachers of these classes take a more hands on, practical approach in their learning and work with the students to ensure full participation and engagement.